Journal articles
He, X., Yuan, X., He, C., Clubb, F.J., and Shen, X. (in review) Strath terrace formation revealed by a fluvial erosion-deposition model considering dynamic channel widths, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Towers, A., Mudd, S.M., Attal, M. and Clubb, F.J. (in review) Controls on fluvial grain sizes in post-glacial landscapes, Earth Surface Dynamics. Link
Oliveira Guirro, M., Hodge, R., Clubb, F.J., and Turnbull, L. (accepted pending revisions) Network-scale dynamics of alluvial cover in a mixed bedrock-alluvial river, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Towers, A., Mudd, S.M., Attal, M., Clubb, F.J., Binnie, S., Dunai, T., and Haghipour, N. (in review) Denudation rates and Holocene sediment storage dynamics inferred from in-situ 14C concentrations in the Feshie basin, Scotland, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Struble, W.T., Clubb, F.J., and Roering, J.J. (2024) Regional-scale, high-resolution measurements of hilltop curvature reveal tectonic, climatic, and lithologic controls on hillslope morphology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 647, 19044. Link
Jamieson, S.S.R., Ross, N., Paxman, G.J.G., Clubb, F.J., Young, D.A., Yan, S., Greenbaum, J., Roberts, J., Blankenship, D.D., Siegert, M.J. (2023) An ancient river landscape preserved beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, Nature Communications. Link
Zondervan, J.R., Hilton, R.G., Dellinger, M., Clubb, F.J., Roylands, T., and Ogrič, M. (2023) Rock organic carbon oxidation CO2 release offsets silicate weathering sink, Nature. Link
Clubb, F.J., Mudd, S.M., Schildgen, T.F., van der Beek, P.A., Devrani, R., and Sinclair, H.D. (2023) Himalayan valley-floor widths controlled by tectonically-driven exhumation, Nature Geoscience 16, 739-746. Link
Clubb, F.J., Weir. E.F., and Mudd. S.M. (2022) Continuous measurements of valley floor width in mountainous landscapes, Earth Surface Dynamics, 10, 437-456. Link
Gailleton, B., Mudd, S.M., Clubb, F.J., Grieve, S.W.D., and Hurst, M.D. (2021) Impact of changing concavity indices on channel steepness and divide migration metrics, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. Link
Clubb, F.J, Mudd, S.M., Hurst, M.D., and Grieve, S.W.D. (2020) Differences in channel and hillslope geometry record a migrating uplift wave at the Mendocino Triple Junction, Geology, 48(2), 184-188. Link
Hurst. M.D. Grieve, S.W.D., Clubb, F.J., and Mudd, S.M. (2019) Detection of channel-hillslope coupling along a tectonic gradient, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 522, 30-39. Link
Clubb, F.J., Bookhagen, B., and Rheinwalt, A. (2019) Clustering river profiles to classify geomorphic domains, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, doi:10.1029/2019JF005025. Link
Gailleton, B., Mudd, S.M., Clubb, F.J, Hurst, M.D., and Pfeifer, D. (2019) A segmentation approach for the reproducible extraction and quantification of knickpoints from river long profiles, Earth Surface Dynamics, 7, 211-230. Link
Grieve, S.W.D., Parker, R.N., Hales, T.C., Mudd, S.M., and Clubb, F.J. (2018) Controls on zero order basin morphology, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, doi:10.1029/2017JF004453 Link
Mudd, S. M., Clubb, F. J., Gailleton, B., and Hurst, M. D. (2018) How concave are river channels?, Earth Surface Dynamics, 6, 505-523. Link
Clubb, F.J., Mudd, S.M., Milodowski, D.T., Valters, D.A., Slater, L.J., Hurst, M.D., and Limaye, A.B. (2017) Geomorphometric delineation of floodplains and terraces from objectively defined topographic thresholds, Earth Surface Dynamics, 5, 369-385. Link
Goodwin, G.C.H, Mudd, S.M., and Clubb, F.J. (2017) Unsupervised detection of salt marsh platforms: a topographic method, Earth Surface Dynamics, 6, 239-255. Link
Clubb, F.J., Mudd, S.M., Attal, M., Milodowski, D.T., and Grieve, S.W.D. (2016) The relationship between drainage density, erosion rate, and hilltop curvature: implications for sediment transport processes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, doi:10.1002/2015JF003747 Link
Grieve, S.W.D., Mudd, S.M., Milodowski, D.T., Clubb, F.J., and Furbish, D.J. (2016) How does grid-resolution modulate the topographic expression of geomorphic processes? Earth Surface Dynamics, 4, 627-653. Link
Clubb, F.J., Mudd, S.M., Milodowski, D.T., Hurst, M.D., and Slater, L.J. (2014) Objective extraction of channel heads from high resolution topographic data, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/2013WR015167. Link
Book chapters
Mudd, S.M., Roda-Boluda, D.C., Goren, L., and Clubb, F.J. (2021) Beyond the long profile, in Wohl, E. (ed) Treatise for Geomorphology: Fluvial Geomorphology, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-818234-5.00026-2
Grieve, S.W.D., Clubb, F.J. and Mudd, S.M. (2020) Reproducible topographic analysis, in Tarolli, P. and Mudd, S.M. (eds) Remote Sensing of Geomorphology. Developments in Earth Surface Processes 23, 369-380, Elsevier.